10 Of Hoodie Allen's Most Relatable Tweets!

In this day and age, the easiest way for artists to connect with their fans is through social media apps such as Twitter. Within seconds, you can share pictures, videos, or just any thing you have to say to thousands, even millions of followers as long as it’s under 140 characters. At the end of the day, we’re all human. But unlike many of the artists we follow, we don’t all have a garage full of fast cars, or long nights in the studio. So when one of our favourite artists tweets an echo of our thoughts, it’s a pretty good feeling. Don’t believe us? Here are some of Hoodie Allen’s most relatable tweets!

10. Bob’s Burgers appreciation tweet.

bob's burgers is underrated

— Hoodie Allen (@HoodieAllen) December 22, 2013

Because nobody seems to understand. “What’s so funny about a guy flipping a bunch of burgers?” Everything. EVERYTHING.

9. Candy Corn.

is it too early to eat candy corn? trick question: never too early

— Hoodie Allen (@HoodieAllen) September 26, 2013

After a certain age, you just look forward to all the discount candy. And it’s always the season for candy corn.

8. Relationship goals.

be the dipping sauce to my chicken nugget

— Hoodie Allen (@HoodieAllen) January 2, 2015

This is quote possibly the most romantic thing we’ve ever heard or thought. Important question: Barbecue or Sweet & Sour?

 7. Summer fitness resolutions.

20 lbs or bust yo #summergymtime

— Hoodie Allen (@HoodieAllen) July 6, 2012

That’s a solid goal. With the exception of January, July and August are the months to achieve your goals.

@ThisIsCheyenne but firs let me eat these nachos

— Hoodie Allen (@HoodieAllen) July 7, 2012


6. Awkward phases.

my life is one continuous awkward phase

— Hoodie Allen (@HoodieAllen) December 14, 2012

We envy those whose awkward phases ended in middle school. What else is there to say?

5. Snapchat.

When someone watches my snapstory I view that as flirting and basically believe we are dating

— Hoodie Allen (@HoodieAllen) January 17, 2016

If only it was that easy.

4.”This is for my Instagram models.”

how much do instagram models get paid to take pictures of themselves drinking skinny tea products bc i want that dumb job

— Hoodie Allen (@HoodieAllen) February 24, 2016

Please pay us to post pictures of us enjoying an empty mug of tea whilst holding the unopened package.

3. Wild weekends.

It's the freakin weekend baby I'm about to have me some fun (watch netflix)

— Hoodie Allen (@HoodieAllen) January 10, 2015

“What are you doing this weekend?” Well, we’ll most likely be in blanket burritos bingewatching shows we need to catch up on. But for now, we’re just going to say that we’re busy.

2. Watching The Fault In Our Stars away from judgement.

Watching TFIOS on this plane because no one can judge me from 30,000 feet in the sky. Shouts to @AnselElgort

— Hoodie Allen (@HoodieAllen) September 6, 2014

Well, we’d probably escape to our rooms instead of a plane, but you get the idea.

1. Falling into YouTube’s “related videos” trap.

it's 2 am and i am watching every soldier coming home surprising their kids videos who is cooking onions in the next room what's in my eyes

— Hoodie Allen (@HoodieAllen) February 10, 2016

We’ve all been there. “Oh, that related video looks interesting!” Nope. Suddenly it’s the dead of the night, and you’ve gone from funny cat videos to tears falling down like the showers that are British.

What were your favourite tweets? Did we miss any? Let us know by tweeting us at @CelebMix!
