Breaking Dawn: Part 1 full-length trailer: wherein Kristen Stewart acts


The full-length trailer for Breaking Dawn Part 1 was finally released. Previously, we’ve gotten teaser trailers and such, but this trailer contains full-on Twihard goosebump junk, like Bella’s father getting emotional about walking her down the aisle, and stuff about Bella (spoiler) being pregnant and how the baby is killing her from the inside. I’ve also included some of the new posters too. Here’s the trailer and some of my general thoughts on the trailer:

*First and foremost, poor Billy Burke. I like him as an actor so much, and he’s been a talented character actor for years and years. And now he’s known to an entire generation as “Bella’s dad”. The good thing about Burke’s appearance in the films is that he gives some much-needed emotional depth and weight. The bad thing? He’s now famous for the Twilight franchise.

*Will Breaking Dawn Parts 1 and 2 finally be the films where we see Sparkles and K-Stew “act”? Because now that I’m finally caught up on the franchise (Showtime won’t STOP showing New Moon and Eclipse), I have to say… they are both BAD actors. Taylor Lautner is the worst, and then by K-Stew, and then I’d put Sparkles a little bit higher – he actually tries, and whenever Edward has to weep sparkle-tears, Pattinson sells it.

*Interesting makeup work – Kristen’s “sickly” makeup looks especially good, but they seem to have gone overboard on Sparkles’ wedding powder. I thought he was Michael Jackson for a moment.

* I can’t wait to see the honeymoon sex scenes. I just… can’t wait. Feathers and sparkles and busted headboards, oh my!





Photos courtesy of WENN, posters courtesy of Summit.
