Charlotte Talks Facing Nikki Bella, Not Wanting to Be A Ric Flair Rip-Off, Her Brother Reid, W

charlotteThe #1 Contender to the WWE Divas Championship, Charlotte, is the guest on this week’s Michael Cole sit down interview, and the following are some highlights:

-Cole starts off by asking Charlotte about her title match at WWE Night of Champions. Charlotte says she can remember seeing Divas like Paige and Emma at NXT Arrival and wondering if she would ever be in that position. She said she never pictured herself where she is at right now and she’s honored to be facing Nikki Bella at the PPV.

-Charlotte talked about her late brother Reid Flair, and noted he is the one to help her realize that wrestling and WWE was her dream.

-On being Ric Flair’s daughter, she said it has given her many opportunities, but has also closed many doors for her. She said it’s a lot of pressure living up to her father’s name, and she wonders if people will think she’s good enough and not just a rip-off of her dad. She said it’s a “damned if you do, damed if you don’t” situation, but all she knows how to do is work hard.

-Cole brings up Nikki Bella saying Charlotte is not ready to face her yet, and Charlotte says it’s disappointing that Nikki doesn’t consider her to be competition. Charlotte says she was not raised that way and views everyone in WWE as competition, so Nikki’s opinion just fuels her fire. Charlotte says she was a fighting champion in NXT, has fought hard to get to the WWE main roster, and Nikki is making her want the Divas Title that much more.

-On the Divas Revolution, Charlotte says it’s not about magazine covers or fancy clothes, it’s about empowering women all around the world:
