Dolls Plastic Surgery Centre: Providing Aesthetic Procedures Beyond Imagination!

Looking at a mirror often gives you a bizarre feeling and makes you want a perfect nose, flat stomach, body curves and much more. Wishing for an ideal figure is no longer an issue, as aesthetic plastic surgeries enhance and reshape body structures using advanced technologies, innovating more ways to maximize results every day. These procedures not only help improve appearance but also boosts confidence. Now more than ever, people are opting for cosmetic surgeries that include tummy tucks, breast augmentation, butt lifts etc. 

Over the years, we have seen a boom in the cosmetic procedure industry. There are numerous plastic surgery clinics that claim to improve the quality of life not only for those who have experienced severe injuries or congenital defects, but also for those who wish to enhance their appearance and look more desirable. However, trusting anyone for the job would not be wise, as big risks come with significant changes, especially in the case of surgeries. However, Dolls Plastic Surgery has changed the game and is a reliable go-to for aesthetic procedures.

Dolls Plastic Surgery began its journey in February 2019 with a vision to deliver stunning results. Their team of board-certified plastic surgeons have years of practical experience in the field, and in fact, the clinic provides amazing customer service infrastructure that would make all customers feel confident when walking through the door. Unlike others in the cosmetic industry, Dolls Plastic Surgery is determined by life-changing surgeries and not by the revenue that is generated. 

The proficient team at the clinic says that they cherish witnessing a mom regain self-confidence after a mommy makeover or a young patient that just wanted a minor breast enhancement by sending before/after pictures and letting them know how happy they are with the outcomes. Seeing their patients send them constant referrals because they are so happy with the outcome of their procedures is indeed proof of their success. This is not all! Dolls Plastic Surgery assists its patients in every possible way, even after the surgery is done. 

The plastic surgery clinic meets all the Health Department requirements and maintains a clean, safe environment that makes patients feel comfortable. The entire staff is HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliant and provides the best post-surgical recommendations to their patients. Apart from that, they provide excellent medical care, ensuring that their customer service is highly active and available to cater to any query at any time. Moreover, the clinic offers affordable procedures with an array of payment options, including 100% financing.

However, their greatest strength lies in the results of the patients that come to them because it gives them great pleasure in bringing a significant change in their patients’ lives. For example, clients with extreme weight loss are concerned about their loose skin, and the expert team at Dolls Plastic Surgery ensures that their customer leaves the clinic satisfied. Patients are instructed to use compression garments for ten days following their surgery and to walk every hour in the first 24 hours to help the muscles keep intact and not loosen up.

Dolls Plastic Surgery has proudly served plenty of famous clients, but because of their policy of discreet clientele information, they only shared the name of LA Mariposa, who on multiple occasions has promoted the aesthetic procedure clinic. As far as their target audience is concerned, they claim that it is for everyone. Dolls Plastic Surgery’s mission is to help anyone who is unhappy with any aspect of their appearance. Whether it’s breast enhancement, an abdominoplasty, mastopexy or the ever-so-popular Brazilian butt lift, they want their customers from all walks of life to be the face of the company. 

All cosmetic procedures have a level of risk attached to them, so when Dolls Plastic Surgery schedules any surgery, they make certain to take the client through the entire process of that particular procedure. They run several tests before the operation to ensure that the patient is safe for surgery. Anyone who is all set to undergo the knife must see their PCP (Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia) and be able to receive medical clearance from their PCP before the team starts the procedure. This makes Dolls Plastic Surgery a safe and seamless option for patients without having second thoughts.

Dolls Plastic Surgery provides the latest cosmetic procedures with minimal risks and customer satisfaction. They not only minimize surgical risks by implementing the latest technology but also only employ board-certified plastic surgeons and anesthesiologists. Dolls Plastic Surgery’s medical team follows every regulation put forth by The Florida Department of Health, allowing them to provide the best results at affordable prices. 
