What does PWO stand for?

WWE Payback 2023 is host to many title matches. Among all the championships defended at the event, fans were excited to see wrestling legend Rey Mysterio defend his United States Championship against former champion Austin Theory.

After all, Theory and Rey have been feuding for quite a while now. While Mysterio successfully defeated Theory, and walked out as United States Champion, the merchandise worn by him and his LWO teammates caught the attention of the WWE Universe.

Instead of the usual LWO that's emblazoned, Mysterio and his team walked out with merch that had PWO written on it. This led to many questions about what it meant. PWO stands for Pittsburgh World Order. The merch worn by the luchador and his team at Payback 2023 is a location-based merch.

After beating Theory and retaining his United States Title, Rey Mysterio received a huge pop from the crowd. While the 48-year-old has a lot to celebrate tonight, it will be interesting to see how WWE will book Rey on Friday Night SmackDown in the near future.

Dominik Mysterio shared his thoughts on Rey Mysterio's recent title run ahead of Payback 2023

Among the many rivalries Rey Mysterio has had in his career, the one against his son, Dominik Mysterio, will go down in the history books as a memorable feud. Even though a lot of time has passed since the two faced off, it seems as if Dominik holds the same sentiments toward Rey as before.

During a recent interview, Dominik Mysterio said it was sad Rey Mysterio felt the need to win a title, in his bid to overshadow the former. Based on Dominik's statements, it also seemed as if he tried to indicate his NXT North American Championship was a bigger title. Speaking on WWE's The Bump, the 26-year-old said:

"Not at all. You know, I think it's kind of sad that he [Rey Mysterio] feels the need to win a title to try to overshadow what I'm doing. It doesn't matter cause he's the United States Champion, I'm the champion of all of North America, which includes the United States, Canada, and Mexico... I think it's sad that my dad feels the need to try and overshadow me with his singles title, but whatever. He's a dead beat."

Earlier this year, Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio faced each other at WrestleMania 39. While Rey won the bout at that time, WWE could look to explore this feud shortly. After Payback 2023, Rey Mysterio will be on the hunt for a new feud.

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